How-To Guides

changing lawyers during divorce

Written by divorcelap

Divorce can be a complicated and emotionally charged process, and having the right legal representation can make all the difference. However, if you find yourself dissatisfied with your current lawyer, you may be considering changing lawyers during the divorce process.

This can be a challenging decision, but it may be necessary to ensure that your rights and interests are protected. In this article, we will explore the process of changing lawyers during divorce, the advantages and disadvantages of doing so, and what to consider before making this decision.

Who can change lawyers during a divorce?

Anyone who is going through a divorce has the right to change their lawyer at any time.

What should I consider before changing lawyers during divorce?

Before changing lawyers during a divorce, you should consider factors such as the stage of the divorce process, the complexity of your case, and the relationship you have with your current lawyer.

Where can I find a new lawyer for my divorce case?

You can find a new lawyer for your divorce case by searching online, asking for referrals from friends or family, or by contacting your local bar association for a list of qualified divorce lawyers.

When is the best time to change lawyers during divorce?

The best time to change lawyers during divorce is when you feel that your current lawyer is not effectively representing your interests or communicating with you in a way that you feel comfortable with.

Is it possible to change lawyers during a divorce?

Yes, it is possible to change lawyers during a divorce. You have the right to choose the legal representation that you feel most comfortable with and that you believe will best serve your interests.

What should I consider before changing lawyers during divorce?

  • Before changing lawyers during divorce, it is important to consider the following factors:
  • Your relationship with your current lawyer: If you are unhappy with your current lawyer’s communication skills or performance, changing lawyers may be the best option.
  • The stage of your divorce: If your divorce is already in progress, switching lawyers can cause delays and increase the cost of the process.
  • The complexity of your case: If your divorce is complicated, it may be best to stay with your current lawyer to ensure continuity in your case.

Can changing lawyers during divorce delay the process?

Yes, changing lawyers during divorce can delay the process. Your new lawyer will need to familiarize themselves with the case, and this can take time.

Advantages of Changing Lawyers During Divorce

Better representation:

Changing lawyers can give you access to better representation and a more experienced lawyer who may be better equipped to handle the complexities of your case.

Improved communication:

If you feel that your current lawyer is not communicating with you effectively, changing lawyers may lead to improved communication and a more positive working relationship.

Increased confidence:

With the right legal representation, you may feel more confident in your case and better prepared to negotiate a fair settlement.

Disadvantages of Changing Lawyers During Divorce

Increased cost:

Changing lawyers during divorce can increase the cost of the process, as your new lawyer will need to familiarize themselves with the case and catch up on any missed deadlines or court appearances.


As mentioned, changing lawyers can cause delays in the divorce process, and this can prolong the time it takes to reach a settlement.

Loss of continuity:

If your divorce is already underway, switching lawyers can lead to a loss of continuity in the case and make it more difficult for your new lawyer to understand the details of your situation.


changing lawyers during divorce can be a challenging decision, but it may be necessary to ensure that your rights and interests are protected. Consider the stage of your divorce, the complexity of your case, and the factors that led to your dissatisfaction with your current lawyer before making a decision.

If you do choose to change lawyers, be prepared for potential delays and increased costs, but also know that you may benefit from improved representation and communication.

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