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Poland’s customs for weddings

Weddings in Poland typically last two weeks. Everyone typically attends the service and reception on Saturday, and on Sunday the partners and their closest friends and family attend a modest, personal celebration. Additionally, the wedding is typically planned at least two or three years in progress, and the brides’ relatives pay for the majority of the costs.

The classic Polish bride dons a czarnina, or pale cover with dark ribbon. At specific folk festivals, the cap is worn throughout the marriage, and it is also worn after death. ” Oczepiny” refers to the process of taking off the bride’s veil. It is one of the most significant times in the entire marriage and represents the beginning of her adult life as well as the finish of she was a child.

The bridegroom takes his new wife out of temple after the church ceremony, which is frequently the couple’s most personal experience. The customers then thank the pair and present them with currencies, which is a symbol of success and good fortune to come.

It is customary for guests to dance and sing along to the traditional Polish ceremony songs during the reception. Gentlemen will participate in the dancing in particular. In a Polish wedding, the best man may be prepared for the cash dance even though he has no speeches or bands to maintain. Persons gather around the wife and throw their expenses into her belt in exchange for the chance to dance with her while dancing to the sound of an upbeat polka. The bride receives the funds for her wedding.

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